In a world attempting to retain influence, let’s instill truth, inspire others and invite people to explore how to lead and live a flourishing life.

Truth convicts. Truth heals. Truth transforms.
In John 1:1 we are reminded, “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God and the Word was God.” From the beginning God has made every effort to reconcile all things to Him. He does this by giving us the choice to follow Him, to simply be with Him in relationship. He reminds us of our status as sons and daughters. He claims us, and calls us Beloved. In order for any growth to take place we must start there. We must restore dignity and instill the deep and powerful truth of our belovedness.
To Instill Truth - this can come in the form of a genuine hug, thoughtful word, or simply through faithful presence.​

People are moved by powerful narratives.
We admire those who speak and live in vulnerable, passionate and transparent ways. We are inspired by triumph, resilience, and optimistic perspectives even in spite of difficult circumstances. Inspiration stirs us, but often only temporarily. If life seeks and stops at inspiration we miss out on the opportunity to ourselves be transformed and made new. Inspiration ought to encourage us to be more of who we were created to be.
To Inspire Others - this can come in the form of a generous act, vulnerable moment or transparent narrative.

Now what?
What are we going to do with the truth that has been instilled and the inspiration that has empowered? We have an opportunity to receive the invitation to move beyond what we have known and always done. This is my favorite part. It is the reflection of the truth that has been instilled and the inspiration that has been felt. It is growth and transformation and the opportunity to engage others. We are called to be in community. Together community holds each other accountable, encourages, and continually equips as we discover how to live life well.
Our job is to keep our ear close to the ground to hear where it is that God is asking us to go next. He doesn’t need us, but He invites us to join Him. We have a choice to do so. Obedience always trumps reason. Invite others into the will of the Father.
To Invite Others - this can come in the form of a practical next step, discussion questions or a specific task.​